Artists for Joy

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Advent Creative Arts Devotional: Week 2, Day 2

​Tuesday, December 12, 2017:

“The spirit of the Lord shall rest on him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.”

Isaiah 11:2

One of the lessons I learned this year is that I can't be in control of everything in my life. Being in control of every situation, emotion, and action can become so tiring. It is necessary to let go and trust and surrender to the belief that God only wants the best for us. He sent the Holy Spirit to rest upon us at all times. If we surrender to the Spirit and allow the Spirit to provide us with the wisdom and understanding and knowledge to move forward when we feel stuck, we take so much pressure off ourselves. Seek the counsel of the Spirit through prayer and wait for the answer to appear. Even if you feel like taking control again!

When I looked up the meaning of “the fear of the Lord,” I found the following: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.” (Proverbs 9:10) This gives me comfort to know that we don’t have to fear the Lord in the basic sense of the word, but that we should continue learning and understanding what he wants for, and from, us.

Prayer: Thank you Lord for giving us wisdom and understanding through the Holy Spirit. Teach us to surrender and wait on the Spirit to lead us. Amen

​Creative Call-to-Action: Create an affirmation that is meaningful to you and repeat it throughout the day and week. Here is an example: “I surrender to the knowledge and wisdom of the Holy Spirit that loves and leads me.”

—Riana Prins​