133: Musical Meditation: Create-in-the-Crack Hacks

This week on the podcast, a musical meditation to help you take the time you have to create with joy. Merideth walks you through three coaching questions and offers music to deepen your reflection. Grab your journal and your earbuds and get ready to be mindful. 

Self-Coaching Questions: 

  1. How much creative time is enough? Name an expectation for what, in an ideal world, you’d like to accomplish each week. What would you need to do to feel ready, productive, and creatively satisfied? Imagine a completely wide-open schedule as you do.

  2. Our lives are full. Take stock of where your days go, witness your schedule without judgment or with any intent to change it, yet.

  3. Brainstorm a few new cracks in the schedule where you can make something you care about or relish in the creative choices you already have.  What other creative things can you do that would not require you to be standing in front of a desk or an instrument? How can you take the time that you have today and be gentle with yourself as you work to believe that it is enough?

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