Musical Meditation: Your Inner Artist Child

Reflection questions:

  1. What are 5 things you love about yourself as a child?

  2. What stories does your inner child believe about your creative life? (e.g. “I can’t draw” or “if I do that, I’ll fail.”)

  3. What would you say if you could have a conversation with your younger self? What advice would you give them? What might your inner child being saying to you today?

This episode features Bach’s Prelude in G Major for Three Cellos, arranged by Cicely Parnas performed by Cicely Parnas, Patrick Laird, and Christine Lamprea, “Vedro con Mio Diletto” from Antonio Vivaldi's 's opera Il Giustino arranged and performed live by Cicely Parnas, cello, with Marnie Laird, piano, and Debussy’s Bruyères all presented by Brooklyn Classical. All recordings used with permission. Learn more and listen online to Brooklyn Classical here.