Musical Meditation: The Joy Toolkit

Self coaching questions: 

  • Hear:

    • What’s that one song that makes your heart flutter with joy every time you hear it? What band makes you do a fist bump in the car? Whose voice calms and soothes and reassures you? Is there a poem that you love to hear read aloud? What sounds of the natural world remind you of the glory of creation? Write some sounds down that spark joy.

  • See:

    • What’s that one show or movie that you could watch over and over? Whose eyes can you look into and feel a release the stress of the day? What pictures, images, or even colors help you feel most like yourself? Write down some things that when you see them, you experience joy.

  • Touch:

    • What fabric do you most enjoy wearing against your skin? What does it feel like to touch the hand or the arm or the back of the head of your child or significant other? What products feel most luxurious or nourishing on your skin?

  • Taste:

    • Try to remember the last truly great meal you remember enjoying. What flavors or textures did you experience there? What was something you ate recently that had you saying, "I should eat this more often." What foods or drinks do you associate with joyful memories?

  • Smell:

    • What are the smells that make you close your eyes and smile? What smells do you associate with the people or experiences you love the most?

      After you answer these questions, create a master joy tool kit list and put it somewhere you can see it or find it.

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