The Artist's Oath Series: No. 6, David Westerlund

In our final episode of this round of The Artist's Oath Interview Series, Merideth chats with improvisor, facilitator, and leadership coach David Westerlund.

David delights in listening to the aspirations of leaders and helping them unlock hidden resources by facilitating meaningful engagement. This unleashes innovation and leads to resilient, supportive, joyful, and agile workplace cultures that allow organizations to have greater momentum and impact toward their mission. His work as a consultant, designer/facilitator, and coach is informed by the philosophy and practice of Liberating Structures and Applied Improvisation, both of which remind us that there is a lot of wisdom in the room and amplify our ability to tap into that and experience collective synergy.

He believes that in order to solve the complex problems we are facing, we must be collaborative and intentionally develop skills of presence, agility, relating, collaboration, and creativity.

David reads his inspiring Oath and encourages you to be present and discover joy. 

David Westerlund’s website

Artist’s Oath Workshop April 21 + 22

Join the Fall Artist’s Way Creative Cluster with Merideth