Week 7

Breakthrough Rooms Discussion Guide:

  • LISTENING: What’s so different about “tuning in” to creative whispers versus “thinking up” new ideas? How does this affect your posture toward creativity? How does it affect your process?

  • PERFECTIONISM: How has perfectionism played a part in your creative journey? Is it a part of what brought you to this group? Why?

  • RISK: How did you answer the question “If I didn’t have to do it perfectly, I’d try…”?

  • JEALOUSY: What are some areas of jealousy that might be pointing you in a creative direction?

  • MORNING PAGES: What’s a topic that keeps coming up for you in your morning pages?

  • ARTIST’S DATE: Is there someone in your life who inspires you with how they nurture their inner artist? What is something they do that you could emulate?

Answer the following with whatever comes to mind first. (page 125)

  1. As a kid, I missed the chance to _________________________.

  2. As a kid, I lacked _________________________.

  3. As a kid, I could have used ____________________.

  4. As a kid, I dreamed of being _____________________.

  5. As a kid, I wanted a ______________________.

  6. In my house, we never had enough _______________________.

  7. As a kid, I needed more ______________________________.

  8. I am sorry that I will never again see _______________________.

  9. For years, I have missed and wondered about _______________________.

  10. I beat myself up about the loss of ______________________________.

Now, write as many dreams as you have for yourself right now. Try to fill an entire page. Don’t lift your pen from the page until I say stop. Nothing is off-limits.

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