4. A Heart with a Mic

This week on the podcast, the Creative Archetype Series continues with Enneagram 4. Merideth chats with Lee Fields of Enneagrammatic about life as a 4. Plus, writers Kristin Vanderlip and Mara Eller, and painter Jennifer Hintz Eggers, share their insights on how to move beyond feelings and into doing and what we can all try to channel our inner Enneagram 4 to foster creative joy. 


Listen to a few tracks from this album and feel your feelings.

Don't journal or try to fix anything yet. Ask yourself: "How are you feeling today?" and let the emotions come. When you are done, take whatever has come up for you and use it as creative fodder for something small-- a poem, painting, letter, card, or a meal that makes you feel comfort. Respond to whatever feelings you feel by making something. 

Mara Eller Website 

Kristin Vanderlip 

Jennifer Hintz Eggers

Burnout: Completing the Stress Cycle by Emily and Amelia Nagoski

David Gate Enneagram Poems

Enneagram Workshop with Artists for Joy

Buy Merideth a coffee