5. The Castle of the Mind

In this episode of our Creative Archetypes Series, Merideth chats with Enneagram 5s about their internal experience as artists. Guests Marsha Crockett (spiritual director and author), Kate Riney (creative marketing strategist, content creator, storyteller, and coach), and Morgan Strehlow (literary agent and freelance author) chat about the castles 5s create in their minds, how to overcome analysis paralysis, and the 5s secret weapon in the creative process: enthusiasm. Plus, our favorite Enneagram coach, Lee Fields of Enneagrammatic, pops on to share some insights, including how to be a good friend to a 5.

Invitation: Follow your enthusiasm wherever it goes. Ask: "What am I curious about? What is that thing, maybe random or seemingly silly, that I really care about?" Do some research about it and explore it, let your enthusiasm lead the way. After you do some research, call your favorite friend and share with them what you are learning.

Marsha Crockett, Spiritual Director and Author

Kate Riney, Content Creator, Storyteller and Coach

Morgan Strehlow, Literary Agent and Freelance Author (including Morgan’s manuscript wishlist)

David Gate Enneagram Poems

Enneagram Workshop with Artists for Joy

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