8. The Beauty of Challenge

In the penultimate installment of our Creative Archetypes Series, we chat with Enneagram 8s. Authors Shannan Martin and Meredith Boggs, as well as hornist and educator Johanna Burian, share what life is like as a Challenger. We explore how creativity can feel like a full body experience to 8s, how vulnerability and levity are key to health, and something we can all do to help the 8s in our lives feel known and loved. 


Take this prompt to your journal or answer the questions with a friend or therapist: 

What creative challenge(s) am I facing right now? What beliefs underneath the challenge(s) need to be challenged? 

Shannan Martin, author and speaker

Meredith Boggs, author and nurse

Johanna Burian, hornist and educator

David Gate Enneagram Poems

Playlist of the Creative Archetypes Series

Register for the next Artist’s Way Creative Cluster

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Email the show: hello@artistsforjoy.org