9. Artist as Peacemaker

Today on the podcast: our final Creative Archetype….Enneagram 9s. Teachers call this type The Peacemaker. Merideth chats with author and editor Ariel Curry, bassist and author David James, and author, spiritual director, and retreat leader Lori Melton, all about life as a creative 9. They discuss figuring out how you feel, cultivating a relationship with conflict, and making room for individuality through creative expression. 

(Side note: All 3 of these 9s are married to Enneagram 8s. How about that!) 

These 9s invite you all to celebrate the space you inhabit in your personality as we encourage them to step into and celebrate theirs.


Take a moment to grab a pen or pencil and draw what you see with your non-dominant hand. 9s are great at not judging, so as you create, sustain judgment of yourself. Be open, playful, and imaginative as you take up space on the page. Allow whatever comes up to come up, and whatever you do, don’t stop until you are done. When you feel finished, journal about the experience.

What was your inner dialogue like? Do not let the noise of your critic shake your inner peace. Give yourself permission to try and try again. 

Ariel Curry, author and editor

David James, bassist and author

Lori Melton, author, spiritual director, and retreat leader

David Gate Enneagram Poems

Playlist of the Creative Archetypes Series

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Email the show: hello@artistsforjoy.org