inner artist child

Episode 2.6: Curiosity

This week on the podcast: curiosity. What purpose does it play in our creative lives? What one of Merideth’s favorite writers says to do when you do not feel passion for your art in a particular moment… she’ll also share info about an exciting new offering coming up next month you don’t want to miss!

Elizabeth Gilbert talk on Curiosity

BE Curious Workshop

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Episode 38: Mindset

How does the spirit with which we approach things change our experience? How can we learn to cultivate a mindset of growth and gentleness in our creative work, especially as we are trying new things? Merideth shares the story of how she learned the answer to these questions from a certain toddler this week. She also shares insights of Psychologist Carol S. Dweck, specifically how mindset can contribute to success. Watercolor art used this week by MB Whitaker. Find her work on instagram @mbwhitakerrr.

Be in touch!

Carol Dweck’s Book

Indictus Project

Respectful Parenting

Episode 2: Your Inner (Artist) Child

Pablo Picasso said, "Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up." This week host Merideth Hite Estevez explores how our inner artist child can help us to discover what sparks joy in our work as adults.

Pablo Picasso said, "Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up." This week host Merideth Hite Estevez explores how our inner artist child can help us to discover what sparks joy in our work as adults. She'll offer ways to make the most of quarantine by (re)discovering the art of true play. 

Read more about the 'Harvard Center for the Developing Child" mentioned in the episode here

Register for the next Artist's Way Creative Cluster (which starts on May 12 via Zoom) here.