Inner Work

Episode 2.2: The Tortured Artist Stereotype

This week Merideth discusses the harmful “tortured artist” stereotype that plagues artists everywhere. Must we be sad, depressive, melancholy individuals in order to make great art? Spoiler alert—nope :)

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Episode 38: Mindset

How does the spirit with which we approach things change our experience? How can we learn to cultivate a mindset of growth and gentleness in our creative work, especially as we are trying new things? Merideth shares the story of how she learned the answer to these questions from a certain toddler this week. She also shares insights of Psychologist Carol S. Dweck, specifically how mindset can contribute to success. Watercolor art used this week by MB Whitaker. Find her work on instagram @mbwhitakerrr.

Be in touch!

Carol Dweck’s Book

Indictus Project

Respectful Parenting

Episode 37: Friendship

What stops us from cultivating deep friendships, especially with other artists? This week on the show, Merideth explores how friendship can be a powerful tool in the creative process, offering us not only companionship, but also self-knowledge, inspiration, perspective and healing.

Big news: Artists for Joy is expanding!

Read about Transactive Memory Systems, The Atlantic

Episode 35: An Artist's Search for Why

In this episode, Merideth takes on the ever-important topic for artists--naming and claiming your “why.” What benefit is there in this singularity of purpose, of making meaning in work and life? She'll share three concrete practices/questions/ways of thinking to help you name yours, plus offer insights from two major thought leaders on the subject. 

Watch Simon Sinek’s Ted Talk

Join the Artist’s Way Creative Cluster

Episode 19: Tuning In To Your Inner Dialogue

Do you hear the voices? The inner voices that chastise or criticize you at every turn? This week on the podcast, Merideth explores how we all might tune in to our unique inner dialogues. Listen to learn how defining the negative voices inside your mind can help quiet their chatter, plus other tips. Lastly, don’t miss the exclusive offer for podcast listeners that goes live soon---listen to learn more!

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Read more about Graydin here

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Episode 14: The Stories We Tell Ourselves

What stories do you tell yourself about your life? This week Merideth explores this concept and how we artists can find courage to change our inner narratives and rewrite the ending. This episode features music of Schubert, Schumann, and Sheik, performed by Andrew Parker, oboe and Alan Huckleberry, piano. 

Brené Brown has all the answers.

Music from the podcast

Enneagram workshop

Episode 11: Belonging

Where do you belong? This week Merideth dives into this question, reflecting on her own upbringing in small-town South Carolina. She explores how artists might find community and friendship by showing up as themselves and using their artist-eye to love others well.

Music from the podcast

Blake Chamberlain’s Artwork

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