
71: Reparenting Your Inner Artist Child

The Inner Child is an artist. Merideth shares some truths she is learning about parenting and how it speaks deeply to that internal struggle toward healing and acceptance of our own inner artist child.

  1. How can you open the lines of communication with your inner artist and treat them with respect?

  2. What boundaries does your inner artist need to feel safe?

  3. How can you surround yourself with items that your inner artist resonates with and loves?

  4. Art begets art—what do you need to get started? 

  5. Are you a safe place for your inner artist child to return home to?

Brooklyn Duo

Ukrainian Girl Sings

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44: Worry

After the popularity of the anxiety episode, a follow up—this time anxiety’s legitimate, responsible, older cousin: worry. How are worry and anxiety different? What does the science say about worrying? Can it be helpful/useful? Merideth will share the results of a recent social media poll about artists’ worries, plus some things that are helping her cope with it lately.

Frederick Buechner’s book “Beyond Words”

Controlled Burning Makes Forests Healthy

“The Upside of Worrying,” Kate Sweeney

40: Friendship

What stops us from cultivating deep friendships, especially with other artists? This week on the show, Merideth explores how friendship can be a powerful tool in the creative process, offering us not only companionship, but also self-knowledge, inspiration, perspective and healing.

Big news: Artists for Joy is expanding!

Read about Transactive Memory Systems, The Atlantic

36: Anxiety

This week on the podcast, Merideth explores a topic she and so many artists struggle with: anxiety. She’ll share info from two studies on how anxiety affects our brain health and offer some insights into managing the stress that she found in the most unexpected place. 

Study “Positive attitudes reduce dementia risk”

Study “PTSD doubles dementia risk”

Mental Health Resources on our website

22: Rest

Do you know how to rest? This week Merideth explores the full spectrum of rest from an artist's perspective-- from mind-numbing TV to the REM cycles of the coveted 8 hours of sleep. She explores one writer's idea on how to do nothing, how we might translate our knack for creativity into a practice of restorative rest, and how this idea is built right into the creative process itself. 

Read more about Jenny Odell's book here.
Listen to Jessica X. Osborne here. 
Download Jason Blythe's music here. 

15: Self-care

In this episode, Merideth shares some practical tips for taking care of yourself. Interwoven with music of Chopin, Swift/Rose, Piazzolla, and Bach, you’ll hear a special three part “Ode to Taking Good Care” inspired by the email signature of her therapist.

Listen to the playlist here

Enneagram workshop 8/18/20

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